Past Activities:

2023 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014

2023/12/18  Talk    Invited talk and Poster presentation entitled "Sequential one-dimensional spatial processing based on quantum dot reservoir computing" and "Novel magneto-optical effect exhibited by Al-doped 4H-SiC" had been held at "The 13th Japan-Korea Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics (DHIP2023) [12.18-20,B-con Plaza]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate and H. Du (M2), respectively.  photo   photo 
2023/11/17  Paper   Review paper by Assoc. Prof. Tate had been published ("Quantum-Dot-Based Photonic Reservoir Computing," Photonic Neural Networks with Spatiotemporal Dynamics, Paradigms of Computing and Implementation, pp. 71-87 (Springer, 2023)).
2023/09/08  Talk    Invited talk entitled "Performance analysis of spatio-temporal optical reservoir models based on quantum dot network structural features" had been held at "Information Photonics 2023 (IP'23) [9.8-9,New Taipei]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.  photo 
2023/06/29  Talk   Oral talk entitled "Revelation and analysis of optical phase delay exhibited by Al-doped 4H-SiC due to current induction" had been held at "CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023 [6.26-30,Munich]" by D. Haoze (M2).  photo 
2023/04/01  LABO   Masamune Taguchi (get into B4) was assigned to TATE LABO.

2022/12/19  Talk   Invited talk and Poster presentation entitled "Recent research activities on optical nano-artifact metrics" and "Fundamental implementation of spatio-parallel optical reservoir computing" had been held at "The 12th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics (DHIP2022) [12.19-21,Wonkwang University]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate and A. Nakamura (M2), respectively.  photo 
2022/08/06  Paper   Original paper by Assoc. Prof. Tate had been published (T. Ohteki, S. Sakai, N. Tate, "Nano-Photonic Metrics: Fundamentals and Experimental Demonstration," Photonics, Vol. 9(8), No. 551, pp. 1-7 (2022)).
2022/04/22  Talk   Oral talk entitled "Quantum Dot Network-Based Reservoir Computing Using Spatio-Temporal Fluorescence Outputs" was held at "Information Photonics 2022 (IP2022) [4/18-22, on-site/virtual]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.  photo 
2022/04/20  Paper   Original paper by Assoc. Prof. Tate had been published (N. Tate, Y. Miyata, S. Sakai, A. Nakamura, S. Shimomura, T. Nishimura, J. Kozuka, Y. Ogura, and J. Tanida, "Quantitative analysis of nonlinear optical input/output of a quantum-dot network based on the echo state property," Optics Express, Vol. 30, No. 9/25, pp. 14669-14676 (2022)).
2022/04/01  LABO   Tomoki Ohnuma and Seiya Yamaguchi (get into B4) were assigned to TATE LABO.

2021/12/23  Talk   Invited talk and general talk entitled "Experimental demonstration of physical machine learning based on spatiotemporal fluorescence of a quantum dot network" and "Experimental machine learning for XOR problem using spatio-temporal optical output of quantum dot network" were held at "The 11th Japan-Korea Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics (DHIP2021) [12/22-23, on-site/virtual]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate and S. Sakai (M2), respectively.
2021/09/27  Talk   Oral presentation entitled "Practical nano-artifact metrics based on lower-magnification of interference image retrieval" and "Verification of spatiotemporal optical property of quantum dot network by regioselective photon-counting experiment" were held at "Photonics in Switching and Computing [9.27-29,Virtual]" by Y. Liu (M2) and S. Sakai (M2), respectively.
2021/06/03  Talk   Oral presentation entitled "Echo state property of a quantum-dot network for nano-photonic reservoir computing" was held at "The 12th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design & Fabrication (ODF'20) [6/1-3, virtual]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.
2021/04/02  Others   Successive achievement by "Research Origin for Dressed Photon," where Assoc. Prof. Tate attend as a technical advisor, have been published (H.Sakuma and I. Ojima, "On the Dressed Photon Constant and Its Implication for a Novel Perspective on Cosmology," Symmetry 2021, 13, 593.).
2021/04/01  LABO   Aoi Sakamoto (get into B4) was assigned to TATE LABO.

2020/12/18  Talk   Invited talk entitled "Implementation of nano-photonic reservoir computing based on quantum dot network" was held at "The 10th Japan-Korea Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics (DHIP2020) [12/18, on-site/virtual]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.
2020/09/11  Talk   Oral talk entitled "Characteristic nano-scale behavior of optical near-field interactions for nanooptical metrics" and poster presentation entitled "Basic experimental verification of spatially parallel pulsed-I/O optical reservoir computing" were held at "Information Photonics 2020 (IP'20) [9/11-12, solid & virtual meeting]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate and Y. Miyata (M2), respectively.
2020/06/22  LABO   As an internship student, Suguru Shimomura (D3, Osaka Univ.) were assigned to TATE LABO (~9/11).
2020/04/01  LABO   Akihiro Nakamura (get into B4) was assigned to TATE LABO.

2019/12/20  Talk   Invited talk entitled "Security performance of nano artifact metrics based on customized white light interferometric system" and poster presentation entitled "Security performance of nano opt metric system based on near field optical interaction" were held at "The 9th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics (DHIP2019) [12/18-20, Gwangju]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate and T. Ohteki (M2), respectively.  photo 
2019/12/05  Paper   Original paper by Assoc. Prof. Tate had been published (N. Tate and T. Yatsui, "Visible light-induced thymine dimerisation based on large localised field gradient by non-uniform optical near-field," Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, 18383, DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-54661-6 (2019)).
2019/11/23  Talk   Oral presentation entitled "Evaluation of original nano-artifact images obtained by a simplified optical equipment based on experimentally calculated FMR/FNMR" was held at "The 4th Asian Applied Physics Conference (Asian-APC) [11/23-24, Kumamoto University]" by Y. Liu (M1).
2019/06/04  Talk   Poster presentation entitled "Spatiotemporal optical specification of quantum-dot network for optical reservoir computing" was held at "Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation 2019 (UCNC2019) [6/3-7, Le Signe]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.
2019/04/01  LABO   Syunichi Sakai and Kohei Kobayashi (get into B4) were assigned to TATE LABO.

2018/12/20  Talk   Invited presentation entitled "Nanoscale artifact metrics based on application of interferometric measurement" was held at "The 8th Japan-Korea Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics (DHIP2018) [12/18-21, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.
2018/10/22  Talk   Invited presentation entitled "Emission enhancement of self-coupled quantum dots and its applications" was held at "International Symposium on Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory 2018 (ISOM'18) [10/21-24, Kitakyushu International Conference Center]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.
2018/10/01  LABO   Liu Yingchuan (research student) was assigned to TATE LABO.
2018/04/02  LABO   Takuro Ohteki (get into M1) and Yuki Miyata (get into B4) were assigned to TATE LABO.
2018/02/05  Talk   Invited presentation entitled "High-efficiency wavelength conversion material based on nano-scale optical near-field interactions" was held at "5th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Advanced Solar Cells 2018 (2nd International Symposium on Energy Research and Application) [2/5-6, Suwon]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.

2017/12/20  Talk   Invited presentation entitled "Nanoscale character extraction for nano-optical metric system" was held at "The 7th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics (DHIP2017) [12/19-22, Daegu]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.  photo 
2017/05/24  Paper   Review paper by Assoc. Prof. Tate had been published (N. Tate and M. Naruse, "Nanoscale hierarchical optical interactions for secure information," Nanophotonics, DOI 10.1515/nanoph-2016-0134 (2016)).
2017/04/03  LABO   Yoshiaki Yagi (get into B4) was assigned to TATE LABO.
2017/02/10  Talk   Invited presentation entitled "Nanophotonics-based optical energy conversion for solar cell applications" was held at "4th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Advanced Solar Cells 2017 [2/9-10, Kyushu Univ.]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.
2017/01/14  Paper   Review paper by Assoc. Prof. Tate had been published (N. Tate, "Nanophotonics-Based Self-optimization for Macro-optical Applications," Progress in Nanophotonics 4, pp. 87-122 (Springer, 2017)).

2016/11/01  Paper   Original paper by Assoc. Prof. Tate had been published (N. Tate, T. Kawazoe, S. Nakashima, W. Nomura, and M. Ohtsu, "Development of Zinc Oxide Spatial Light Modulator for High-Yield Speckle Modulation," IEICE Trans. Electron., Vol. E99-C, No. 11, pp. 1264-1270 (2016)).
2016/10/01  LABO   Xiaolong Wang (research student) was assigned to TATE LABO.
2016/05/12  Talk   Invited presentation entitled "High-yield optical energy conversion based on nanophotonic droplets" was held at "The 2016 EMN Droplets Meeting (EMN Droplets 2016) [5/10-13, San Sebastian]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.  photo 
2016/04/04  LABO   Ryo Tamai (get into B4) was assigned to TATE LABO.

2015/12/11  Talk   Invited presentations entitled "Speckle reduction by using transmissive ZnO device based on dressed-photon-assisted optical modulation" and "Nanophotonic Droplets: novel materials for high-yield optical energy conversion via dressed-photon-phonon states" were held at "The 22nd International Display Workshops (IDW '15) [12/9-11, Otsu Prince Hotel]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.
2015/12/03  Paper   Original paper by Assoc. Prof. Tate had been published (N. Tate, M. Naruse, W. Nomura, T. Matsumoto, M. Hoga, Y. Ohyagi, S. Nishio, and M. Ohtsu, "Non-scanning optical near-field microscopy for nanophotonic security," Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, Vol. 121, Issue 4, pp. 1383-1387 (2015)).
2015/12/03  Paper   Original paper by Dr. Nomura, RA, had been published (W. Nomura, T. Yatsui, T. Kawazoe, N. Tate, and M. Ohtsu, "High-speed flattening of crystallized glass substrates by dressed-photon-phonon etching," Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, Vol. 121, Issue 4, pp. 1403-1407 (2015)).
2015/09/18  Talk   Invited presentation entitled "Recent progress in dressed-photon-assisted electro-optical modulation" was held at "The 5th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics (DHIP) 2015 [9/17-19, Gangneung]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.
2015/08/06  Paper   Original paper by Assoc. Prof. Tate had been published (N. Tate, T. Kawazoe, W. Nomura, and M. Ohtsu, "Current-induced giant polarization rotation using a ZnO single crystal doped with nitrogen ions," Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, 12762, DOI 10.1038/srep12762 (2015)).
2015/07/10  Talk   Oral presentation and poster presentation entitled "Non-scanning optical near-field microscopy for nanophotonic security" and "High-speed flattening of a composite crystallized glass material by dressed-photon-phonon etching" were held at "The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO10) [7/7-10, Hakodate Research Center for Fisheries and Oceans]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate and Res. Assoc. Nomura, respectively.  photo 
2015/05/09  Talk   Invited presentation entitled "Nanophotonic Droplets: novel characteristics of their mechanism based on optical near-field interactions" was held at "EMN Meeting on Droplets 2015 [5/8-11, Phuket]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.  photo 
2015/04/01  LABO   Dr. Wataru Nomura was assigned in TATE LABO as Research Associate of Kyushu University Program for Leading Graduate Schools "Advanced Graduate Course on Molecular Systems for Devices".
2015/03/18  LABO   Shunsuke Nakashima (get into B4) was assigned to TATE LABO.
2015/03/02  Talk   Introduction talk of our research will be held at "Orientation of Graduate Research in ISEE [3/2, Kyushu University]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.
2015/02/25  Web   English website of TATE LABO is established.
2015/02/20  Paper   Original paper had been published (R. Hirayama, M. Naruse, H. Nakayama, N. Tate, A. Shiraki, T. Kakue, T. Shimobaba, M. Ohtsu, and T. Ito, "Design, Implementation and Characterization of a Quantum-Dot-Based Volumetric Display," Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, 8472, pp. 1-6 (2015).).

2014/12/16  Talk   Invited presentation entitled "Giant-magnetooptic light modulator using p-n homojunction-structured ZnO crystal" was held at "The 4th Korea-Japan Workshop on Digital Holography and Information Photonics (DHIP2014) [12/16-18, Okinawa]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.  photo 
2014/12/04  Talk   Invited presentation entitled "Speckle Reduction by Current-Induced Magneto-Optical Effect Using P-type ZnO Device" was held at "The 21st International Display Workshops (IDW'14) [12/3-5, Niigata]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate.  photo 
2014/10/16  LABO   Dr. Naoya Tate arrived to Kyushu University as Associate Professor, and Tate Research Group (TATE LABO) is founded.  photo